Premium Dog Food vs Super Premium Dog Food???

Premium Dog Food

Our dogs are our best friends, and for most of us they quickly become a part of the family before we know it. Taking care of them is important, and there are a lot of different steps to doing so. One that shouldn’t be ignored is the food that you’re feeding them, and for most the big choice will be between premium dog food and super premium dog food. But what’s the difference between the two?

The first thing that you need to understand is that labels don’t really matter much. There’s no regulation about what can be labelled as Premium or Super Premium. Still, a few elements can be considered that can help you see which is right for your pooch.

Premium foods to begin with are a cut above the budget options out there simply because they use better ingredients which increases the digestibility for your dog and are specifically formulated to provide the right kind of nutrition for different dogs. There may be formulas for puppies, elderly dogs, small breeds, and so on. These formulas help provide good results to each dog as a general rule.

Super Premium
Super Premium foods are ultimately better again in terms of quality. They’ll usually be manufactured without things like artificial flavours or colours and don’t use synthetic preservatives. They’re much more nutrient rich and can provide higher levels of nutrition for your dogs.This means that in a lot of cases, they are greater than 90% digestible for your dog. Meaning you don’t have to feed them anywhere near as much, your furry friend is enjoying a better diet and you will have less stools to pick up!

Additionally, Super Premium formulas usually assist in avoiding the allergies that some dogs may have to ingredients in some Premium and in particular, Sub-standard foods. This helps keep your dog completely safe from possible allergy related issues.

Making Your Decision
In general, if you’re worried about allergies or about the overall health and nutrition of your dog, by all means, seek the advice of your local Vet and remember, it’s worth paying attention to what Super Premium dog foods can offer. Firstly, you will know your dog has been better fed. They may cost more, but the health benefits Super Premium dog food will provide to your loyal companion means you have given them the greatest chance for a healthier life for longer and with less vet bills, that makes them well worth the extra cost!

To see a great range of ‘only’ Premium and Super Premium foods for your dog, check out these;

Advance, Pro Plan, Nutro Natural Choice, Ziwipeak, Ivory Coat, Black Hawk, Hills Science Diet or Meals For Mutts

Advice and information provided in this article is intended to assist in keeping your dog happy and healthy.  Please always seek professional veterinarian advice or any specific concerns.
